The conference "Treatment Varicose Veins", by IML, in the Laser Europe 2012
The conference "Treatment Varicose Veins", by IML, in the Laser Europe 2012
Dr. Javier Moreno Moraga, medical director at IML, participated in the Laser Europe 2012 Congress, organised by the European Laser Association (ELA), the British Medical Laser Association (BMLA) and the Spanish Society of Medical-Surgical Laser (SELMQ) held in London on 10th - 12th May.
Dr. Moreno Moraga participated as a speaker with his conference on the "Treatment of varicose veins: my personal technique", where he shared the details of the treatment of varicose veins, which is an international patent jointly developed by IML in collaboration with the Department of Molecular Beams and Lasers at the Multidisciplinary Institute, Complutense University of Madrid. In particular, Dr. Moreno Moraga presented the results of the physical-chemical studies of Photodynamic Therapy for Varicose Veins.
IML has collaborated with the National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics at Bucharest, a prestigious research centre led by Dr. M.L. Pascu, and the Instituto Medico Vilafortuny, led by Dr. Trelles, for the determination of the intimate mechanism of interaction between polidocanol foam versus Neodymium-Yag laser emission. The study was led by Dr. Adriana Smarandache, Degree in Physics and part of the Romanian research team.