
Scientific paper by IML in Lasers in Medical Science


Scientific paper by IML in Lasers in Medical Science


The medical journal Lasers in Medical Science (LMS) has published the scientific paper by IML on fine calibre veins, having considered it as highly interesting. LMS is a leading international journal in the field of medical applications using laser and light. It analyses the most important aspects of medical laser applications on a technical, experimental and clinical level.

Optimal and safe treatment of spider leg veins measuring less than 1,5 mm is a clinical study head by Dr. Moreno Moraga, IML's director. The in-depth mechanism of IML's Super Vein Removal has been further enhanced with the findings obtained in collaboration with the National Institute for Lasers, Plasma and Radiation Physics in Bucharest y the Vilafortuny Medical Institute.

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Instituto médico láser

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