
Dr. Martinez Riquelme, teaching at the PronoKal Course


Dr. Martinez Riquelme, teaching at the PronoKal Course


Dr. Amparo Martinez Riquelme imparted the PronoKal Method 2nd level Course, held in Barcelona on 15th February 2013. 

The course was aimed at physicians prescribing the PronoKal Method, and covered the detailed bibliography and latest studies undertaken by PronoKal on high-protein diets, providing evidence of its safety and effectiveness.

A score of medical professionals from diverse specialities, such as general practitioners, internists, aesthetic physicians and specialists in occupational medicine, commented and resolved their doubts with Dr. Martinez Riquelme, Head of the IML Endocrinology Unit.

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Instituto médico láser

Paseo General Martínez Campos, 33 28010 Madrid (España)
WhatsApp: 637 504 871


Lunes a viernes de 9:30h a 21:00h
Sábados de 10:00h a 15:30h*
* Durante el mes de Agosto, el horario de los sábados es de 10:00h a 15:00h

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