
Scientific publication by IML on hyaluronic acid


Scientific publication by IML on hyaluronic acid


The medical team at IML is the author of  "The Evaluation of Hyaluronic Acid, with and without Lidocaine, in the filling of nasolabial folds as measured by ultrastructural changes and pain management", a scientific study of the dermal improvements produced by the injection of hyaluronic acid as a cutaneous filler.

The results of the study were published in the medical review Journal of Drugs in Dermatology (JDD), a publication experiencing continued growth that offers a fast route to divulge Dermatology articles of maximum scientific quality.

The IML study analyses, on an ultrastructural level, the degrees of subdermal improvement produced by hyaluronic acid. This analysis was possible thanks to IML confocal microscopy system.

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Instituto médico láser

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