
IML attended the 5th SETGRA Congress


IML attended the 5th SETGRA Congress


Dr. Elena Bravo Brañas, Plastic Surgeon with the Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery Unit at IML assisted the 5th Spanish Society of Fat Grafting Congress, held on 30 November at the Teknon Clinic in Barcelona.

Lipotransfer resources are gaining increasing importance in a multitude of surgical applications within the field of plastic and cosmetic surgery as well as in the field of regenerative medicine.

This highly interesting congress discussed the clinical most innovative and transcendental advances. The handling of fat tissue grafts and stem cells derived from adipose tissue was analysed. Enrichment of fat tissue grafts with stem cell growth factors, as well as the new devices available to improve the survival rate of implanted fat tissue were analysed at this important scientific forum dedicated to the clinical and technological advances of lipotransfer. 

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Instituto médico láser

Paseo General Martínez Campos, 33 28010 Madrid (España)
WhatsApp: 637 504 871


Lunes a viernes de 9:30h a 21:00h
Sábados de 10:00h a 15:30h*
* Durante el mes de Agosto, el horario de los sábados es de 10:00h a 15:00h

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