
Dr. Escribano attended the Genital Cosmetic Surgery Course


Dr. Escribano attended the Genital Cosmetic Surgery Course


Dr. Juan José Escribano and Dr. Gloria Rodea, gynaecologists in charge of the Aesthetic Gynaecology Unit at IML, attended the third edition of the International Conference of Male and Female Genital Cosmetic Surgery, organised by the Teknon Clinic and Dr. Vila-Rovira.

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Instituto médico láser

Paseo General Martínez Campos, 33 28010 Madrid (España)
WhatsApp: 637 504 871


Lunes a viernes de 9:30h a 21:00h
Sábados de 10:00h a 15:30h*
* Durante el mes de Agosto, el horario de los sábados es de 10:00h a 15:00h

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