
Presentation by Dr. Royo de la Torre at the 21st SELMQ Congress


Presentation by Dr. Royo de la Torre at the 21st SELMQ Congress


Dr. Josefina Royo de la Torre, deputy director at IML, participated in the 21st Congress of the Spanish Society of Medical-Surgical Laser (SELMQ), held on 30 May to 1 June 2013, with the paper "Multicentre Study to optimise medical laser hair removal results in morphologically difficult hair (thin, fair or white hair)". 

The results of the study were divided into three sections:

  1. Immunofluorescence results.
  2. Pathological anatomy results.
  3. Clinical application results.

The multicentre team continues researching and will report new results at the next edition of the Congress.

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