
IML, co-author of a clinical study presented at SEME


IML, co-author of a clinical study presented at SEME


IML participated in the 29th SEME (Spanish Society of Aesthetic Medicine) Congress as co-author of a Lipolaser study for gynaecomastia treatment.

Presented by Dr. Justo Alcolea, titled “Laser assisted liposuction for Gynaecomastia: Statistical and ultrasound follow-up of the effects observed in skin retraction”, a multi-centre clinical study aimed at evaluating the efficacy of laser-assisted liposuction (Lipolaser or Laser Lipolysis) in the treatment of gynaecomastia.

Results were assessed on 28 patients through ultrasound tests, statistical evaluation of the level of aesthetic correction and the degree of skin retraction induced on the treated skin.

The study also analysed the degree of immediate recovery as well as the degree of patient satisfaction.

The clinical study concluded that the technique is effective, safe and predictable. Good correction and degree of patient satisfaction results are achieved.

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Instituto médico láser

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