
IML participates in the Lipolaser on Arms study published in Lasers in Medical Science


IML participates in the Lipolaser on Arms study published in Lasers in Medical Science


IML director, Dr. Javier Moreno Moraga, participated in the publication "Laser-assisted lipolysis for arm contouring in Teimourian grades I y II: a prospective study of 45 patients", published in the scientific journal Lasers in Medical Science.

The study was aimed at evaluating patient satisfaction following treatment with Laser-assisted lipolysis for arm contouring with grades I and IIa in the Teimourian classification of fat volume and skin laxity.

The publication is the result of a multicentre study conducted in five clinics:

  • French Institute of Health and Medical Research U703
  • University of Department of Plastic Surgery, Transsexual Surgery, Hand Surgery, Burn Surgery, University Hospital of Bordeaux
  • Department of Plastic Surgery, MHH, Hanover Medical School, Hanover, Germany
  • Instituto Médico Vilafortuny
  • Instituto Médico Láser

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