
IML presents its varicose vein treatment with Endovenous Laser


IML presents its varicose vein treatment with Endovenous Laser


IML presented its varicose vein treatment with Endovenous Laser in an event celebrated on 2nd October 2013, which assembled journalists and bloggers specialised in beauty. 

Endovenous Laser treatment clears severe varicose veins with a less traumatic method and much lower relapse rates than traditional surgery. 

The IML endovenous device is an Nd:YAG laser using the water in the vein wall collagen as its chromophore, as opposed to other types of laser where haemoglobin is the target. Furthermore, the device chosen by IML, the CoolTouch CTEV, integrates an automatic optical fibre traction system. 

IML's experience in the treatment of varicose veins allows for the combination of different techniques according to each type of varicose veins, aimed at achieving an overall treatment of the venous pathology and obtain satisfactory aesthetic results in the shortest space of time possible.

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Instituto médico láser

Paseo General Martínez Campos, 33 28010 Madrid (España)
WhatsApp: 637 504 871


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