
IML, speaker at the 25th Mediterranean Conference


IML, speaker at the 25th Mediterranean Conference


IML Directors participated as speakers at the 25th Mediterranean Conference of Therapeutic Confrontations in Cosmetic Medicine and Surgery, organised by the Spanish Society of Cosmetic Medicine and Surgery (SEMCC), held in Sitges on 19th - 21st May 2017.

Dr. Javier Moreno and Dr. Josefina Royo de la Torre shared their experience in the field of laser-assisted liposuction and laser confocal microscopy:

  • "Therapeutic options of laser lipolysis in menopause", presented by Dr. Javier Moreno Moraga
  • "Histological changes, measured by confocal microscopy, in the treatment with radiofrequency, hyaluronic acid and fractional infrared laser for the improvement of skin quality", presented by Dr. Josefina Royo de la Torre.

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Instituto médico láser

Paseo General Martínez Campos, 33 28010 Madrid (España)
WhatsApp: 637 504 871


Lunes a viernes de 9:30h a 21:00h
Sábados de 10:00h a 15:30h*
* Durante el mes de Agosto, el horario de los sábados es de 10:00h a 15:00h

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