
IML, speaker at the SEMI Annual Congress


IML, speaker at the SEMI Annual Congress


Dr. Doctor Amparo Martinez Riquelme, Head of the Endocrinology and Nutrition Unit at IML, presented at the 34th Annual Congress of the Spanish Society of Internal Medicine (SEMI), held in Malaga on 22 and 23 November 2013.

The Congress was organised coinciding with the 29th Annual Congress of the Andalusian Society of Internal Medicine (SADEMI).

This medical meeting gathered the major national points of reference in this and allied specialities.

Dr. Martinez Riquelme presented her experience with Diaprokal®, in weight loss programmes for overweight patients with diabetes type 2 or prediabetes. Her presentation, "Obese diabetes type 2 patients in treatment with the Diaprokal method achieve greater weight loss and better metabolic control than with a hypocaloric diet", assesses the efficacy, safety and tolerance of this treatment, which offers a therapeutic tool based on a protein diet.  It is noteworthy to mention the intense improvement in this type of patients in their metabolic profile, by decreasing the percentage of patients with insulin resistance by 41.4% and showing how the treatment can simultaneously achieve weight improvement and the approach to diabetes. 

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Instituto médico láser

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