
Infiltrations of Organic Silicium and Growth Factors

Silicium is one of the most important active principles in refirming creams currently available in the market. The great news is that after being used in Europe for years, the Spanish Drug Regulatory Agency has just approved organic sicilium injections for use in aesthetic medicine.

Because it has long been prohibited, sicilium has not been given the importance it deserves, as it constitutes an excellent treatment to fight flaccidness. IML conducted a rigorous study on this material, which concluded that organic sicilium, in combination with Growth factors, greatly improves the results. Both these elements work in synergy to maintain the correct structure of the dermis.

Silicium and growth factors acts rearranging the structure of the dermis

Silicium and growth factors rearrangs the structure of the dermis

How silicium works

After oxygen, sicilium is the most abundant element in the Earth´s cortex. However, modern agricultural methods impoverish its existence and today’s foods tend to lack the right amounts of this mineral. Sicilium is also present in a number f skin tissues such as bone, muscle or skin.

Moreover, with age, the amount of sicilium in the body decreases and so does the ability of the body to assimilate oligoelements, and with it its capacity to absorb sicilium from foods is more and more diminished. Reality is that a lack of sicilium can cause osteoporosis or even be the cause of a fragile dermis.

Conjunctive tissue is made of:

  • Cell elements: Fibroblasts and free cells.
  • Fibrilar elements: Reticular fibers, collagen fibers (different types) and elastic fibers.
  • Fundamental substance: Liquid, gelatinous, or solid, constituted, in its turn, by hyaluronic acid (glycosaminoglycans + polyuronides).

Silicium and the skin

Regarding the benefits it provides to the skin, silicium is responsible for glycosaminoglycans and polyuronides. That is, it bridges these two substances together determining the structural formation of connective tissue. There are 500 sicilium atoms for each molecule of hyaluronic acid and 3 atoms for each collagen fiber. In one word, sicilium is vital for the presence of hyaluronic acid and also for the existence of collagen fibers. Because of this, it is an indispensable for the structure of the dermis, being capable to restore the thickness, elasticity and smoothness of the skin.

Silicium and flaccid cellulite

As you probably know, cellulite is an inflammation of subcutaneous adipose tissue of an unknown origin. This condition affects women mainly and is mostly located in the legs, gluteus, hips, arms and occasionally breast and cervical area. More specifically, flaccid cellulite usually affects women over the age of 40 who do not exercise and have been on strict diets to loose weight.

The skin in these cases appears spongy and flaccid. This is a type of cellulite with degeneration of the conjunctive tissue in the dermis, which is accompanied by flaccidness. Silicium acts on damaged elastic and collagenous fiber by rearranging the structure of the dermis with remarkable improvement of the orange peel look.

Organic silicium infiltrations for cellulite and flaccidness

Organic silicium infiltrations for cellulite and flaccidness

Application techniques

Treatment with organic silicium (Conjonctyl®) is carried out by means of the two typical mesotherapy techniques for body contouring:

  • Retrotracing lineal technique.
  • Multi-punch intradermal injection.

The multi-punch retrotracing technique consists in the introduction of the mesotherapy needle in parallel to the dermis and pressing the embolus down at the same time that the needle is slowly removed. This technique allows delivery of the substance drop by drop in a lineal fashion perpendicularly to the skin. This technique requires more shots but it is equally effective.

At IML this technique is being combined with growth factors as one agent complements the action of the other, obtaining even better results.:

  • Siliciumhelps maintain the structure of:
    1. Extracellular matrix (Hyaluronic acid).
    2. Collagen fibers.
  • Growth factors stimulates fibroblasts, which in turn increase production of amount of collagen fibers and hyaluronic acid.


Thanks to the combination of these two techniques, collagen fibers and hyaluronic acid are newly generated with a solid and adequate structure. Consequently, the ideal composition of connective tissue is regained resulting in a smoother, firmer, more hydrated skin with improved turgence. The effects of the treatment last for about 3 months and thus, maintenance sessions are recommended every 6 to 8 weeks.

Recommended sessions

  • Organic silicium: 12 sessions intercalated with growth factors sessions.
  • Growth factors: 3 sessions per body region, at one-month intervals between sessions.

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