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Accent XL: More Surface and Deeper Penetration

News - 7 May, 2012
Accent XL has recently been included in Instituto Medico Laser's technical equipment platform. It is a device which can be handled on three different levels (superficial, medium and deep) to correct flaccidity, orange peel skin and localised adiposities. Its unipolar…
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News - 7 May, 2012
IML has included the Dual Affinity laser system to its technical range. It consists of a powerful Q-Switched Neodymium laser suitable for the elimination of tattoos and pigmented lesions. Affinity combines two types of wavelength: 1064 nm and 532 nm.…
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Correction of dark circles under eyes with Sculptra

News - 7 May, 2012
Sculptra is an active ingredient based on polymerised poly-lactic-acid, which, through infiltrations into the deep dermis activates the formation of new connective tissue, increasing and stimulating the production of new collagen. Sculptra is slowly reabsorbed by the organism; it is…
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IML includes hair transplants in its treatments

News - 7 May, 2012
There are treatments (Minoxidyl, Finasteride) that avoid the advancing of alopecia and maintain the hair that one already has. Nevertheless, the only solution to recover lost hair in partially or totally barren areas is via hair transplants. Specialist surgeons with…
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Organic silicon infiltrations against body flaccidity

News - 7 May, 2012
Silicon is one of the most important active ingredients in the reaffirming creams currently on the market. The novelty lies in the fact that the Spanish Drug Agency (Agencia Española del Medicamento) has just approved Organic Silicon injections for medical-aesthetic…
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Palacio De Nerva, new IML headquarters

News - 7 May, 2012
Exactly a century had to pass before the Palacio de Nerva reopened its doors under the Instituto Médico Láser banner and renovation. It was rescued from oblivion to be converted into a modern medical-aesthetic treatment clinic. This building is an…
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Push Up Threads

News - 7 May, 2012
This is a material in the form of a thread as thin as a hair which has been used successfully for years in reconstructive surgery. They have been used for over seven years in the USA for the correction of…
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Lip aesthetics

News - 7 May, 2012
A lack of volume, poor line definition or peribuccal wrinkles are the main aesthetic problems concerned with the lips. It is an area of the face that changes over the years due to tissue atrophy and dehydration. Factors such as…
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New anatomical implants

News - 7 May, 2012
Penrose Plastie, a leading French company marketing mammary implants has introduced the Plastic Surgeons at IML to a new prototype that increases naturalness in results of augmentation mammoplasty. These prostheses are made out of highly cohesive gel and stand out…
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Hyaluronic acid networks – Puragen

News - 7 May, 2012
Flaccidness is a skin dysfunction caused by the aging process, be it natural or induced. The morphological changes responsible for flaccidness are the consequence of important alterations in the tissues: The biosynthesis of collagen and elastine decreases as does the…
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