
RHA Workshop at IML


RHA Workshop at IML


IML held an RHA (Resilient Hyaluronic Acid) Workshop by Dr. Wolfgang Redka-Swoboda, plastic surgeon and member of the first hyaluronic acid that maintains facial movement design team. The workshop was held on 28 Mayo 2015.

Dr. Redka-Swoboda shared his knowledge of optimal fatty compartments for this type of filler, as well as his polished infiltration technique with Dr. Almudena Royo, aesthetic physician at IML, and a group of invited doctors.

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Instituto médico láser

Paseo General Martínez Campos, 33 28010 Madrid (España)
WhatsApp: 637 504 871


Lunes a viernes de 9:30h a 21:00h
Sábados de 10:00h a 15:30h*
* Durante el mes de Agosto, el horario de los sábados es de 10:00h a 15:00h

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