

Rhinophyma, also known as bulbous nose, is a severe form of rosacea. A skin alteration localised on the nose with the following symptoms:

  • Enlargement of the nose
  • Irregular protuberances or nodes
  • Highly dilated pores
  • Reddish colour
  • Hyperplasia of the sebaceous glands
  • Thickening of the skin
  • Superficial capillary dilations

What is the IML treatment for rhinophyma?

The treatment of choice at IML is ablative CO2 laser.

CO2 laser delivers a light that removes a great deal of the skin thickness, following the deep dermis to assure total skin recovery to its normal state.

It is a safe procedure performed under local anaesthetic. The procedure takes approximately 30 minutes. The patient should follow a simple skin care routine in the first week after treatment.

Before and after rhinophyma treatment

Before and after rhinophyma treatment

Do you have any further questions about rhinophyma removal? Request a free informative consultation now with one of our medical experts from the IML Dermatology Unit.

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