The mythical G-spot is an anatomic region that owes its name to the initial of the doctor who discovered it for the first time, Dr. Ernst Gräfenberg.
Despite the controversy, there is sufficient scientific evidence published that proves its existence and defines it as a small bump, sensitive to touch and friction, with dense innervation. It is located behind the pubic bone, up the front vaginal wall (about 3 cm from the urethra) and when stimulated can lead to strong sexual arousal and powerful orgasms.
G-Spot amplification
This spot becomes much more sensitive if the area is filled with autologous fat or hyaluronic acid fillers, making the area wider, more projected and perceives more stimulus to friction with the penis, which can provoke an intense vaginal orgasm.
G-Spot amplification can be conducted through autologous fat or hyaluronic acid infiltration
For more information on G-Spot amplification, request an informative consultation with one of the IML Aesthetic Gynaecology Unit's medical experts.