New publication in Lasers in Medical Science

New publication in Lasers in Medical Science
Dr. Javier Moreno and Dr. Josefina Royo de la Torre, in
collaboration with other physicians, have published the scientific study "Effects
of 1064-nm Nd:YAG long-pulse laser on polidocanol microfoam injected for
varicose vein treatment: a controlled observational study of 404 legs, after a
5-year-long treatment" in the journal Lasers in Medical Science (September
2019 issue).
The IML publication deals with the excellent long-term (5 years)
results of Photodynamic Varicose Vein therapy, the treatment of varicose
veins using a technique patented by IML and the Multidisciplinary Institute of
the Complutense University of Madrid.
This treatment involves the application of the Nd:YAG laser with
microfoam to treat varicose veins of various calibres and severity.